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About Us — Meet the Team & The Story Behind the Brand ‐ Xaz Digital

About sitecentre® Australia

sitecentre® comes from a place where most of our clients come from. Constant disappointment, overpromising and under-delivering.

Strong Results, Strong referrals

Gaining Momentum

After many successful projects for clients, we expanded our knowledge across the realm of Web Development and Online Marketing. We were not one-trick ponies nor experts in their respective fields working together.

We could plan an online presence, design a website, code the front and back end functionality and test and deploy a site. Once the website went live, we had the skills to monitor the user behaviour, optimise the performance and content of a site and develop content strategies to outrank the competition.

For all this to be achieved by a duo during their side hustle regularly was incredible. We didn’t think much of it initially but noticed other organisations using five or more different specialists to complete a project end-to-end that we could do between the two of us.

Quality Workmanship

SEO & Web Development

Taking advantage of our setup, we started investing in businesses. Buying, redeveloping and ranking multiple companies became a hobby between two best mates.

Catching the attention of a few people from word-of-mouth, we started hearing the horror stories that were out there in the industry.

Dozens of people who had spent thousands and sometimes tens of thousands of dollars on unplanned, poorly executed, ugly websites did not function as they desired — let alone rank competitively to gain business!

Seeing people who had put their savings into chasing their dreams to gain more time with the family while doing what they wanted to be doing getting completely ripped off and forced back to square one was genuinely heartbreaking.

Naturally empathetic to being sold the world and delivered next to nothing, we had no hesitation in taking on the first client, then the second, then the third. Horror story after horror story was coming in, giving us a sense of purpose. We can do something, and we can help these people.

Work Smarter, Not Harder


We are now scaling our beliefs with a growing team of dedicated professionals who love giving hope to business owners through results.

We have gained numerous top positions from some of the most competitive industries and keywords in Australia in just a short time.

This success has enabled us to carefully expand our team of experts dedicated to providing the growth that our clients deserve. We constantly strive to offer more than our clients expect and treat each business as our own.

Contact us

Have an prject in mind?

The right move at the right time saves your investment.
live the dream of expanding your business.

Agon Studio

4517 Washington Ave.
Manchester, Kentucky 39495

(239) 555-0108


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